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Kanu-Wachau in Dürnstein-Oberloiben

  • Kanu-Fahrer

3601 Dürnstein

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Kanu-Wachau in Dürnstein-Oberloiben
+43 664 1213723 Compose e-mail Web

  • Kanu-Fahrer

Kanu-Wachau is an official stand-up paddle center of the Austrian Stand Up Paddling Association (ASUPA). It is certified by Naish and offers the latest equipment of that company. Stand-up paddling is easy to learn and suitable for almost any age group. It is the perfect workout (easy on the joints). This outdoor sport opens up whole new perspectives from the water and is a blast! Just hop on, paddle off and have a great old time!

Opening hours

Jederzeit nach Vereinbarung.