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Swimming area of Kritzendorf

  • Das Strombad Kritzendorf

Neue Badstraße 1,
3420 Kritzendorf

Route Google maps

Strombad Kritzendorf
+43 2243 444-0 Compose e-mail Strombad Kritzendorf

  • Das Strombad Kritzendorf

The swimming area is a publicly accessible allot settlement with access to the Danube - without bathing facilities and therefore no bathing establishment. Bathing was discontinued at the end of the 70s. The municipality has residential cabins in the swimming area, which can be rented to those seeking recreation. For further information, please contact the municipal swimming pools administration.

Leashes are compulsory and the obligation of clearly signposted dog prohibition on the large meadow areas is to be absolutely adhered to! 


Prices groups
Eintritt frei
Prices individuals
Eintritt frei
Prices children
Eintritt frei

More details

Toilet facility
suitable for children
Suitable for wheelchairs
Outdoor kid's playground
Suitable for strollers
Restaurant in the establishment