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Maria Laach Parish Church

  • Innenansicht Maria Laach

Maria Laach 1,
3643 Maria Laach am Jauerling

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Wallfahrtskirche Maria Laach
+43 2712 8339 Compose e-mail Web

  • Innenansicht Maria Laach

Maria Laach is a pilgrimage church and an example of medieval architecture in Austria.
The Maria Laach Parish Church is on the south slope of Jauerling at an elevation of 644 m above sea level.

It is one of the few pieces of architecture in Austria to have retained almost all its medieval features.
The church has numerous art treasures such as a Gothic double winged altarpiece, the devotional image known as "Mary with Six Fingers" and the Renaissance tomb of the Kueffsteins.

Opening hours

Gottesdienste: Sonntag: 08:00 Uhr und 10:00 Uhr