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  • Aubad Tulln
  • Aubad Tulln

Aubad Tulln features a 12 acre swimming lake with an island in the middle of it, all set on extensive grounds near the Danube wetlands. Besides a 45 m water slide and an extra-wide 18 m water slide, the lake has several playgrounds along its shores plus an adventure play stream, a giant floating octopus, a sand beach for children as well as beach volleyball courts, areas for various types of ball games, a fitness course, grilling sites (advance reservations required) and much more.

Public arrival is easily accessible by train or bus.



Prices groups
Gruppen ab 10 Personen (bei gemeinsamen Eintritt): pro Person: € 5,60
Prices individuals
Erwachsene Tageskarte: € 6,30 Abendkarte ab 16.00 Uhr: € 3,50 Jugendliche (bis 18 Jahre), Studenten (bis 26 Jahre), Lehrlinge, Präsenzdiener, Senioren (ab 60 Jahre), Behinderte: € 5,00 Abendkarte ab 16.00 Uhr: € 2,80
Prices children
Schüler 6 bis 14 Jahre: Tageskarte: € 3,00 Abendkarte ab 16.00 Uhr: € 1,70 Familienspecials: 1 Erwachsener mit max. 4 Kindern (bis 15 Jahre): Tageskarte: € 8,50 1 Erwachsener mit max. 4 Kindern (bis 15 Jahre): Abendkarte ab 16 Uhr: € 4,70 2 Erwachsene mit max. 4 Kindern (bis 15 Jahre): Tageskarte: € 13,80 2 Erwachsene mit max. 4 Kindern (bis 15 Jahre): Abendkarte ab 16 Uhr: € 7,90

Opening hours

Season start 2021: mid-May (depending on the weather)

May – June
Mo – Fr: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sa, Su, holidays: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Daily: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Walks can be taken in the winter season.

More details

Toilet facility
Café in the establishment
suitable for children
Suitable for wheelchairs
Outdoor kid's playground
Suitable for strollers
Restaurant in the establishment